Junior Clerk, Co-operative societies PSC Examination Questions

Last Updated On: 04/10/2020

Junior Clerk, Co-operative societies PSC Examination Questions: Are you searching for PSC Model questions for junior clerk, co-operative societies examinations. Here are 100 best previous PSC exam questions for Co-operative societies.

Junior Clerk, Co-operative societies PSC Examination Previous Questions

1) …………. is a statutory reserve created from net profit of a co-operative society.

Ans: Reserve Fund

2) Maximum strength of the managing committee of a primary co-operative society is …………

Ans: 15

3) Maximum limit for surrender of earned leave admissible to the employees of co-operative society on retirement is ………….

Ans: 300 days

4) Gehan is created in form ……….

Ans: 8A

5) Written examination for direct recruitment to the post of clerks in a primary credit society is conducted by ……..

Ans: Co-operative service examination board

6) Section 80 of Kerala co-operative society act. Came into effect from  …….

Ans: 15-05-1969

7) Autonomy and independence is the …………….. co-operative principles

Ans: 4th

8) Annual general body meeting of a cooperative society should be convened with in ………….. from the close of the financial year.

Ans: 6 Month

9) The authority competent to write off bad debts in a co-operative society is …………

Ans: General Body

10) Section ………. Of NI act defines cheque

Ans:  6


11) Crossing of a cheque can be cancelled by …………….

Ans: Drawer

12) The lead bank scheme was introduced in ……………..

Ans: 1969

13) ……………… is the custodian of foreign exchange reserve of India.

Ans: RBI

14) RBI was nationalized in the year ………….

Ans: 1949

15) Fluid resources should be invested as per directions of the ………..

Ans: Registrar of co-operative society

16) Multi-purpose co-operative societies are the most important types of societies in ……………

Ans: Japan

17) …………… is an output device

Ans: Printer

18) ………….. is plastic card provides purchase of goods on credit and withdrawal of cash.

Ans: Credit card

19) In a co-operative society the audit fees levied by ……… of KCS act.

Ans: Rule 65

20) If a member acts against interest of a society, he can be expelled by ………..

Ans: General Body


21) A tribunal is constituted under section …………… of KCS Act.

Ans: 81

22) The minimum period of fixed deposit is ………… days.

Ans: 7 days

23) Auditor of a co-operative society shall be appointed from among the panel approved by …………..

Ans: Director of co-operative audit

24) Fixed deposit is also known as ………. deposit.

Ans: Term deposit

25) Co-operative flag was designed by …………

Ans: Charles Gide

26) Statutory protection can be claimed for ……. cheques.

Ans: Crossed

27) In stock exchanges only …….. Securities are bought and sold.

Ans: Listed

28) Endorsement is defined in section ……………. of NI Act.

Ans: 15

29) The rules and regulation of a co-operative society is formed in its ………..

Ans: Byelaw

30) Recruitment of staff of the district co-operative banks is entrusted …………..

Ans: PSC


31) Quorum for the managing committee in section …………… of KCS act.

Ans: Sec 28(5)

32) The president of a co-operative bank is ………

Ans: Officer

33) The number of members of co-operative tribunal is …….

Ans: 1

34) A co-operative society is defined in section ……. Of KCS act.

Ans: 2f

35) The president and office bearers of the society shall be elected with in …. Days from the date of election

Ans: 7

36) Treasury bills are issued by ………….

Ans: Goverment

37) Narasimham committee on banking reforms was appointed in ……………

Ans: 1991

38) Cheques are payable …………

Ans: on demand

39) Punjab national bank was set up in the year ……….

Ans: 1895

40) The major source of revenue of any business is…..

Ans: Sales


41) Accounting begins where ……. Ends

Ans: Book keeping

42) Closing stock is …….

Ans: Asset

43) Arbitration in co-operative society is done as per section ….. of KCS act.

Ans: 69

44) Special General Body Meeting is held as per section of KCS act.

Ans: 30

45) Amalgamation and division of co-operative societies is done by section ….. of KCS act

Ans: 14

46) Prepaid expenses is shown in companies’ balance sheet under ……

Ans: Current Assets

47) Purchase journal is meant for recording all ……. purchased of goods

Ans: Credit

48) A bank reconciliation statement is prepared by ……………

Ans: Customer

49) The Reserve Bank of India is a …………….

Ans: Statutory Company

50) Promotion of co-operative society is a duty of ……….

Ans: Managing committee


51) The headquarters of SURABHI is at ………….

Ans: Ernakulam

52) Who is the father of co-operative movement?

Ans: Robert Owen

53) An important document for the membership in co-operative society is ………….

Ans: Identity card

54) Asset ……… Liability= ……….

Ans: Capital

55) The custodian of minutes book of a society is ………….

Ans: Secretary

56) Rebate is related to ……….. type of societies

Ans: handloom

57) The total number of rules in the KCS act is ………..

Ans: 201

58) The constitution of a society is its ……….

Ans: Beylow

59) The co-operative societies are classified by ……….  KCS act

Ans: Rule 15

60) ……. Has a right to sign in the identity card of a member of a co-operative society

Ans: Secretary


61) Legal heirs have to submit …….certificate to the bank for claiming credit balance exceeding 25000

Ans: Succession certificate

62) Fixed deposit account is a ……….. liability

Ans: Time liability

63) Garnishee order is issued by the court on the request of the ……..

Ans: Creditor

64) Assets a/c always have …….balance.

Ans: debit

65) ………. Is journal and ledger.

Ans: Cashbook

66) ……….is the account of unsold goods in hand at the end of trading period.

Ans: Closing stock

67) Provision for bad debt a/c is created by debiting ……….

Ans: Profit & Loss

68) ……… are the amount earned by selling the product of a concern

Ans: Revenue

69) Current SLR rate is …………

Ans: 20.50

70) Recording credit sale in cash book is an error of ………

Ans: Commission


71) Expansion of A.T.M is …………

Ans: Automated Teller Machine

72) Liquid asset is ……….

Ans: Floating asset

73) A person is known as ……….if he is unable to pay his debts in full

Ans: insolvent

74) NABARD was established on ……….

Ans: 1982

75) Internet banking is also known as ………..

Ans: Cyber banking/Online banking/Personal computer banking

76) Issue of notice of maturity of deposits to the depositor is ……….

Ans: mandatory

77) Immovable property offered as security for availing loan shell be created by means of……….

Ans: Mortgage

78) Internal auditor in a co-operative society is appointed by ………….

Ans: Managing committee

79) Co-operative audit is financial audit as well as ……….. audit.

Ans: Administrative

80) Reserve fund is created out of ………

Ans: Net Profit


81) When number of co-operatives make use of the services of an auditor. Jointly it is ………

Ans: Group audit

82) A fund created for the replacement of an asset or the repayment of a liability is called ……..fund.

Ans: sinking

83) An audit report which contains no condition is called ……….. report.

Ans: clean

84) Erection charge made for machinery is added to ……… a/c.

Ans: Machinary

85) High yielding Loans is a …………

Ans: performing asset

86) Maximum validity of a cheque is …………

Ans: 3 Months

87) Maximum period of an Administrator/Administrative committee of a co-operative society carrying banking business is ……………..

Ans: one year

88) The chief executive of the society shall prepare the financial statements and statutory statement within ……. Months from the close of the financial year

Ans: One month

89) ………… means allocating the work in such a way that one person’s work is automatically checked by another.

Ans: internal check

90) All primary credit co-operative shall open its branches with the prior permission of ………………

Ans: Registrar of co-operative societies


91) The features that allows preview a document in the computer before it I printed is………….

Ans: Print preview

92) Outstanding salary is …………….

Ans: Liability

93) In fixed installment method depreciation is calculated on …………….

Ans: Original Cost

94) Legal charges in connection with the purchase of land is …………expenditure.

Ans: Capital

95) “Towards co-operative common wealth” was written by ……………

Ans: D.R. Gadgil

96) Usually patronage dividend is paid by ……………

Ans: Consumer

97) Principle state partnership fund is maintained by ………..

Ans: State co-operative bank

98) The headquarters of ICA was shifted to Geneva from London in ………..

Ans: 1982

99) ………….. is the father of co-operative movement in USA

Ans: Hudson Kelly

100) SSU was organized in the year ………….

Ans: 1970


Junior Clerk, Co-operative societies PSC Questions – PDF Download

I hope these Junior Clerk, Co-operative societies PSC Examination Model Questions may help for your PSC examinations.

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Please send all previous questions paper to co operative bank exam..pls

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