PSC Pharmacist Grade 2 Health Services Model Questions and Answers

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

51. An antidote which can be used in cyanide poisoning:
(A) Sodium bicarbonate (B) Sodium nitrite
(C) Dimercaprol (D) Sodium bi sulphite
Answer: B

52. Colloidal dispersion of liquids or solids in gases are:
(A) Aerosols (B) Emulsion
(C) Creams (D) Suspensions
Answer: A

53. An example for a drug with anti-hypertensive action
(A) Rhubarb (B) Vasaka
(C) Liquorice (D) Rauwolfia
Answer: D

54. Restricted licences in Forms 20-A and 21-A are issued for:
(A) Narcotic and Psychotropic substances
(B) Pethidine and related drugs
(C) wholesale dealing of drugs which does not require the supervision of a registered pharmacist
(D) drugs specified in Schedule X
Answer: C

55. The Schedule in Drugs and Cosmetics Act which specifies that drugs shall not be sold by retail except on and in accordance with the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner:
(A) Schedule K (B) Schedule G
(C) Schedule J (D) Schedule H
Answer: D

56. As per Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1945, the term “Drugstore” refers to
(A) Licenses where the service of registered pharmacist is employed but donot maintain a pharmacy
(B) Licenses who employ the service of registered pharmacist and maintain a pharmacy for compounding against prescription
(C) Licenses where drugs are temporarily stored
(D) Licenses where service of a qualified person is not required
Answer: D

57. Which among the following is a prodrug:
(A) Levodopa (B) Indomethacin
(C) Paracetamol (D) Diphenhydramine
Answer: A

58. Leucovorin rescue is given to reduce the toxic effects of
(A) Methotrexate (B) Cyclophosphamide
(C) Melphalan (D) Chlorambucil
Answer: A

59. The antibiotic that acts by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 30s ribosomal subunits:
(A) Chloramphenicol (B) Doxycyclin
(C) Azithromycin (D) Vancomycin
Answer: B

60. Diethyl carbamazine is the drug of choice in the treatment of:
(A) Epilepsy (B) Filarial infection
(C) Hookworm infestation (D) Malaria
Answer: B

61. Organophosphorous poisoning is treated with
(A) Acetylcholine (B) Atropine
(C) Pentazocine (D) Methacholine
Answer: B

62. Benzodiazepine receptor antagonist:
(A) Flumazenil (B) Atropine
(C) Pentazocine (D) Phentolamine
Answer: A

63. Diabetes insipidus is due to deficiency of :
(A) Oxytocin (B) Insulin
(C) Vasopressin (D) Aldosterone
Answer: C

64. Epsom Salt is
(A) Copper Sulphate (B) Magnesium Sulphate
(C) Ferrous Sulphate (D) Calcium Sulphate
Answer: B

65. In combination antacids, Magnesium salts are added:
(A) for immediate onset of action
(B) to decrease the production of acid in GIT
(C) to enhance taste and appearance
(D) for laxative action
Answer: D

66. Directly observed treatment, Short course (DOTS) refers to:
(A) AIDS control strategy of Govt of India
(B) Strategic action plan for Malarial control in India
(C) Tuberculosis control strategy, recommended by WHO
(D) part of National Filaria control program
Answer: C

67. An Adverse effect of Clozapine
(A) Agranulocytosis (B) Nephrotoxicity
(C) Hepatotoxicity (D) Respiratory depression
Answer: A

68. Antixerophthalmic vitamin is
(A) Vitamin E (B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin B (D) Vitamin A
Answer: D

69. Lanolin is
(A) Beeswax (B) Woolfat
(C) Paraffin wax (D) Borax
Answer: B

70. Ratio of oil:water:gum for preparing an emulsion using volatile oil:
(A) 2:2:1 (B) 4:2:1
(C) 3:2:1 (D) 1:1:2
Answer: A

71. Pyridoxine is
(A) Vitamin B 1 (B) Vitamin B 2
(C) Vitamin B 6 (D) Folic acid
Answer: C

72. The latin term “Oris” denotes
(A) to mouth (B) Ever hour
(C) when necessary (D) at bed time
Answer: A

73. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
(A) Ethacrynic acid (B) Chlorothiazide
(C) Acetazolamide (D) Chlorothiazide
Answer: C

74. Which one among the following has a phenanthrene nucleus:
(A) Pentazocine (B) Trifluperazine
(C) Promethazine (D) Morphine
Answer: D

75. 2 Acetoxy benzoic acid is:
(A) Paraben B) Aspirin
(C) PABA (D) Benzocaine
Answer: B

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