PSC HSST Statistics Model Questions and Answers

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

PSC HSST Statistics Model Questions and Answers: Here are the model questions and answers for HSST Statistics PSC examination. These are the previous asked questions for the PSC HSST Statistics Examination.

PSC HSST Statistics Model Questions and Answers

Question Paper Code: 16/2017/OL
Category Code: 356/2016
Exam: HSST Statistics SR For SC/ST
Date of Test 13-03-2017
Department: Higher Secondary Education
Alphacode A

1. Quorum of Rajyasabha?
(A) 25
(B) 50
(C) 100
(D) 250
Answer: A

2. State which offers highest wages for unskilled workers under MGNREG Scheme?
(A) Kerala
(B) Karnataka
(C) West Bengal
(D) Haryana
Answer: D

3. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development was founded in:
(A) 1935
(B) 1950
(C) 1982
(D) 1991
Answer: C

4. Spiritual leader who inspired the Channar Rebellion?
(A) Sri Narayana Guru
(B) Chattambi Swami
(C) Vaikunda Swami
(D) Ayyavu Swami
Answer: C

5. Social reformer who founded Kerala Kaumudi?
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan
(B) Dr. Palpu
(C) Kumaran Asan
(D) C.V. Kunhiraman
Answer: D

6. Vayalar Garjjikkunnu is a poem by:
(A) Vayalar Ramavarma
(B) P. Bhaskaran
(C) T.S. Thirumunpu
(D) O.N.V. Kurup
Answer: B

7. District Collector of Malabar who was murdered in connection with Mappila Rebellion?
(A) William Logan
(B) H.V. Conolly
(C) William Mclyod
(D) Thomas Warden
Answer: B

8. Akkamma Cheriyan was hailed “Jhansi Rani of Travancore” by:
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) G.P. Pillai
(D) Pattam Thanu Pillai
Answer: A

9. Mukul Mudgal Committee looked into:
(A) IPL Spot Fixing
(B) 2G Scam
(C) Coal Scam
(D) Common Wealth Games Scam
Answer: A

10. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana was launched in:
(A) January 2014
(B) April 2014
(C) August 2014
(D) January 2015
Answer: C

11. The best method of teaching is:
(A) Lecturing
(B) Demonstrating
(C) Discussing
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

12. Classroom learning becomes lively when the teacher:
(A) Allows a short break
(B) Entertains students
(C) Allows discussion
(D) None of the above
Answer: C

13. A teacher should be:
(A) Friendly
(B) Humorous
(C) Approachable
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

14. Students with problems should be:
(A) Ignored
(B) Guided
(C) Exposed
(D) Avoided
Answer: B

15. Most educational research is:
(A) Fundamental Research
(B) Applied Research
(C) Action Research
(D) None of the above
Answer: B

16. In Experimental research, variables are controlled or manipulated so as to:
(A) ensure validity of results
(B) arrive at sound conclusions
(C) enable predictions
(D) all of the above
Answer: D

17. Qualitative Research describes:
(A) ‘what was’
(B) ‘what is’
(C) ‘what could be’
(D) ‘what will be’
Answer: B

18. Which is a criterion of a good Case Study?
(A) Validity of data
(B) Reliability of data
(C) Objectivity of data
(D) None of the above
Answer: A

19. When the investigator takes effort to preserve the dignity of the subjects during research, it implies that the researcher has:
(A) Credibility
(B) Integrity
(C) Ethics
(D) All of the above
Answer: C

20. A publication manual that is generally adhered to in the preparation of a research report in Education is:
(A) Indian Research Publication Manual
(B) British Publication Manual
(C) American Psychological Association Manual
(D) Research Publication Manual
Answer: C

21. The word ‘Secularism’ is added to the preamble of the constitution by the …………… amendment.
(A) 42nd
(B) 24th
(C) 44th
(D) 46th
Answer: A

22. The freedom to form association does not include:
(A) Right to form trade union
(B) Right to form partnership
(C) Right to form political party
(D) Right to strike
Answer: D

23. Article 43 requires the state to secure by suitable legislation, ………….. to all workers.
(A) Minimum wages
(B) Statutory minimum wages
(C) Fair wages
(D) Living wages
Answer: D

24. Which Article of the Constitution envisages a common civil code for the citizens throughout the territory of India?
(A) Art 42
(B) Art 43
(C) Art 44
(D) Art 48
Answer: C

25. Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in the year:
(A) 1953
(B) 1950
(C) 1951
(D) 1952
Answer: C

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