PSC HSST English Jr Model Questions and Answers – Part 2

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

26. Which is the authority that evaluates and monitors the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005?
(A) Minister, Rural Development, Government of India
(B) Central Employment Guarantee Council
(C) District Collector
(D) Panchayat Secretary
Answer: B

27. The system for distribution of essential commodities to the ration card holders through fair price shops under National Food Security Act, 2013 is envisaged through………..
(A) Comprehensive Rationing System
(B) Poverty and Hunger Index
(C) Targeted Public Distribution System
(D) None of the above
Answer: C

28. Which among the following statement is incorrect with respect to ‘The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005?
(A) The domestic violence include both physical and mental abuse
(B) the domestic violence include economic abuse
(C) The Act applies to the aggrieved woman in married relationship and live-in relationship
(D) The overall fact and circumstances of the case has nothing to do with determining the commission of domestic violence under the Act
Answer: D

29. Which among the following is not ‘information’ bound to be made available under the Right to Information Act, 2005?
(A) All information recorded and published
(B) All information recorded and not marked secret but unpublished
(C) All information relating to the personal matters of an individual forming part of his public life or related to any public activity
(D) Information, the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of the parliament
Answer: D

30. The World organ donation day is celebrated every year on
(A) 6th August
(B) 9th September
(C) 4th August
(D) 5th December
Answer: A

31. What is the name of the inn where Chaucer’s narrator meets the pilgrims?
(A) Taffold Inn
(B) Tabard Inn
(C) Southwark Inn
(D) Three Kings Inn
Answer: B
32. Prothalamion is a nuptial song on the occasion of the twin marriage of ……………
(A) Lady Victoria and Lady Katherine
(B) Lady Belinda and Lady Bellona
(C) Lady Elizabeth and Lady Victoria
(D) Lady Elizabeth and LadyKatherine
Answer: D

33. The rhyme scheme of Shakespearian sonnet …………..
(A) abba abba cde cde
(B) abab cdcd efef cc
(C) abab cdcd efef gg
(D) ababa ababa cdcd
Answer: C

34. In which poem does this line occur “Alas, alas, who’s injured by my love?”
(A) The Canonization
(B) To a Skylark
(C) A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
(D) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Answer: A

35. When was Paradise Lost published?
(A) 1768
(B) 1669
(C) 1668
(D) 1667
Answer: D

36. In the poem McFlecknoe , Flecknoe, the poet is compared to …………
(A) Augustus Caesar
(B) Caligula
(C) Postumus Agrippa
(D) Julius Caesar
Answer: A

37. Identify the poem in which the following lines occur : The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide, To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame, Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride With incense kindled at the Muse’s flame.
(A) Hymn to Adversity
(B) Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
(C) The Progress of Poesy
(D) The Bard
Answer: B

38. What is Hamlet’s hamertia?
(A) madness
(B) self-delusion
(C) procrastination
(D) ambition
Answer: C
39. What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, That he should weep for her? Who is Hecuba mentioned in this monologue by a Shakespearean character?
(A) Priam’s wife
(B) Kolanos’ wife
(C) Agamemnon’s wife
(D) Argurios’ wife
Answer: A

40. Who speaks the epilogue in The School for Scandal?
(A) Sir Olvier Surface
(B) Charles Surface
(C) Lady Teazle
(D) Mr. Colman
Answer: C

41. In “Ode: Intimations of Immortality” Wordsworth talks about …………..
(A) Life after death
(B) Devotion
(C) Human folly
(D) Pre-natal existence
Answer: D

42. The speaker in “Ode to the West Wind” is considered to the author’s …………..
(A) alter-ego
(B) persona
(C) personification
(D) poetic self
Answer: B

43. Whom does Ullysses refer to as ‘a savage race’ in Tennyson’s poem “Ullysses”?
(A) The Trojans
(B) The Persians
(C) The Greeks
(D) The Spartans
Answer: C

44. The coast of which country does the poet see across the sea in Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach”?
(A) France
(B) Ireland
(C) Spain
(D) Portugal
Answer: A

45. Hopkins’ poem “The Windhover” is notable for its use of …………….
(A) Sprung Rhythm
(B) Simile
(C) Conceit
(D) None of the above
Answer: A

46. The title of Charles Lamb’s essay “Dream Children” refers to ……………
(A) Ideal children
(B) Children who dream
(C) Children from a family called “Dream’
(D) Children the author saw in a dream
Answer: D

47. The heroine of Oscar Wilde’s play The Importance of Being Ernest was named ………………
(A) Jane
(B) Gwendolen
(C) Tess
(D) Elizabeth
Answer: B

48. Where was Oliver Twist the protagonist of Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist born?
(A) In an orphanage
(B) In a prison
(C) In a workhouse
(D) In a hospital
Answer: C

49. Wuthering Heights is a novel by …………….
(A) Charlotte Bronte
(B) Branwell Bronte
(C) Charlotte Bronte
(D) Emily Bronte
Answer: D

50. The Mayor of Casterbridge like many of Hardy’s novels and stories is set in ……………..
(A) The market town of Dorchester
(B) Stratford
(C) The Lake District
(D) The Scottish Highlands
Answer: A

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