PSC English Prepositions Models Questions & Answers

Last Updated On: 29/04/2018

I have already shared a guide on prepositions in English. Here are some PSC model questions and answers which focuses prepositions in English. You may also download these questions in PDF document format.

PSC English Prepositions Models Questions & Answers

Choose the right Preposition

  1. He won’t do things ……… halves.

(A) in

(B) on

(C) by

(D) at

Ans:  (C) by


  1. He is a man …….. noble ideas.

(A) of

(B) for

(C) in

(D) on

Ans: (A) of


  1. She is good ………. Mathematics.

(A) in

(B) for

(C) to

(D) at

Ans:  (D) at


  1. I spent a lot of time _____ reading.

(A) to

(B) on

(C) in

(D) at

Ans:  (C) in


  1. The sack was filled _____ cement

(A) by

(B) with

(C) in

(D) into

Ans:  (B) with


  1. I live _____ my parents.

(A) with

(B) on

(C) along

(D) by

Ans:  (A) with


  1. He is _____ a rage.

(A) on

(B) of

(C) for

(D) in

Ans:  (D) in


  1. She is good ____ singing.

(A) in

(B) at

(C) for

(D) of

Ans:  (B) at


  1. They walked ______ the road very carefully.

(A) by

(B) in

(C) across

(D) for

Ans:  (C) across


  1. The river abounds _____ fish

(A) with

(B) in

(C) on

(D) for

Ans:  (A) with


  1. He died ____ cancer.

(A) on

(B) of

(C) in

(D) to

Ans:  (B) of


  1. India abounds ____ mineral wealth.

(A) of

(B) on

(C) to

(D) in

Ans:  (D) in


  1. I am very angry ____ his misconduct

(A) at

(B) on

(C) in

(D) for

Ans:  (A) at


  1. She soon became accustomed _____ the local food.

(A) in

(B) with

(C) on

(D) to

Ans:  (D) to


  1. He has great affection _____ his sister.

(A) to

(B) for

(C) on

(D) in

Ans:  (B) for


  1. Can you guess what he is aiming ____?

(A) in

(B) on

(C) at

(D) of

Ans:  (C) at


  1. He is accused ____ theft.

(A) on

(B) in

(C) of

(D) to

Ans:  (C) of


  1. Attend ____ your lesson, boys

(A) to

(B) in

(C) on

(D) upon

Ans:  (A) to


  1. Bewae _____ imitations.

(A) with

(B) in

(C) to

(D) of

Ans:  (D) of

LDC Model Questions

  1. Give me change ____ a rupee.

(A) to

(B) for

(C) of

(D) on

Ans:  (B) for


  1. He is lame ____ one leg.

(A) of

(B) on

(C) to

(D) for

Ans:  (A) of


  1. I have been doing nothing ____ two days.

(A) on

(B) in

(C) of

(D) for

Ans:  (D) for


  1. Thick mist hung ____ the forst.

(A) in

(B) on

(C) over

(D) upon

Ans:  (C) over


  1. He has been working _____ morning.

(A) since

(B) from

(C) of

(D) through

Ans:  (A) since


  1. It is _____ five now.

(A) in

(B) of

(C) to

(D) about

Ans:  (D) about


  1. They were kept waiting ____ evening.

(A) by

(B) till

(C) on

(D) in

Ans:  (B) till


  1. They will finish the work ____ next week.

(A) at

(B) till

(C) before

(D) in

Ans:  (C) before


  1. She lives ____ the river.

(A) beside

(B) besides

(C) at

(D) about

Ans:  (A) beside


  1. She sat ___ boys.

(A) among

(B) besides

(C) about

(D) between

Ans:  (A) among


  1. He worked hard all ___ the year.

(A) of

(B) for

(C) in

(D) through

Ans:  (D) through


  1. The house still ____ repair.

(A) on

(B) under

(C) of

(D) for

Ans:  (B) under


  1. He has got ____ difficulties.

(A) into

(B) to

(C) on

(D) of

Ans:  (A) into


  1. Food was scare ____ the war.

(A) in

(B) on

(C) during

(D) at

Ans:  (C) during


  1. The tiger sprang ____ the villager.

(A) upon

(B) at

(C) in

(D) about

Ans:  (A) upon


  1. ___ being caned he was fined also.

(A) beside

(B) on

(C) about

(D) besides

Ans:  (D) besides

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