Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer(Civil) in Public Works/Irrigation (232-234/2018) Notification

Last Updated On: 01/01/2019

Kerala PSC invited the applications for the post Assistant Engineer(Civil) in Public Works/Irrigation. The qualified candidates should do One Time Registration in Kerala PSC Thulasi website.

Kerala PSC Notification for the post Assistant Engineer(Civil) in Public Works/Irrigation is given below. The last date for the application is January 30, 2019.

Kerala PSC Assistant Engineer(Civil) in Public Works/Irrigation Notification

DepartmentPublic Works/Irrigation
Name of PostAssistant Engineer(Civil)
Category No232-234/2018
Last Date30/01/2019 Wednesday up to 12 midnight
Scale of pay₹39500 – 83000 /-
Number of vacanciesAnticipated
Method of appointmentCategory No. 232 /18 – Direct Recruitment

Category No. 233 /18 – Direct Recruitment from Departmental candidates of PWD only (for appointment in PWD)

Category No. 234 /18 – Direct Recruitment from Departmental candidates of Irrigation Department only (for appointment in Irrigation Department)

Age limitFor Direct Recruitment (Category 1):

21-40, only candidates born between 02/01/1978 and 01/01/1997 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for the post.

For Departmental Quota ( Category II and Category III):

Must have completed 21 years as on 01.01.2018. The upper age limit is not applicable to these selections. But in no case, the upper age limit shall exceed 50 (fifty) years.

Qualifications(A). Category I to III

(A) (i) B Sc/B Tech Degree in Engineering (Civil) of the Kerala University or B.E Degree (Civil) of the Madras University or any other qualification recognised as equivalent thereto


(ii) Associate Membership Diploma of the Institution of engineers, India , in Civil Engineering or any other Diploma recognized as equivalent thereto.


(iii)Pass in sections ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the Associate Membership Examinations of the Institution of Engineers, India, in Civil Engineering

(B) For Departmental Quota: (Category II and III)

In addition to the above, in the case of I & II Grade Draftsman/Overseer, III Grade Overseer/Tracers, they should have rendered not less than 2 years service in one or more categories in the concerned Departments and in the case of Clerks , Typist, Typist – Clerks and Confidential Assistants, they should have rendered not less than 6 years service in the respective categories in the Concerned Departments.

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