KPSC Civil Excise Officer in Excise – 120/2019 – 121/2019 Notification

Last Updated On: 31/07/2019

Kerala PSC invited the applications for the post Civil Excise Officer in Excise. The qualified candidates should do One Time Registration in Kerala PSC Thulasi website.

Kerala PSC Notification for the post Civil Excise Officer in Excise is given below. The last date for the application is 29/08/2019 Wednesday up to 12 .

Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer in Excise Notification

Post NameCivil Excise Officer
Department NameExcise
Category Code120/2019 – 121/2019
Last Date29/08/2019 Wednesday up to 12
Scale of payRs 20,000 – 45,800/-
Number of vacanciesDistrict wise
Method of appointmentDirect Recruitment (from male candidates belonging to OBC and Hindu Nadar communities only)
Age limit19-34. Candidates born between 2.1.1985 and 1.1.2000 (Both dates included)
QualificationsMust have passed the Plus Two examination or its equivalent.
District Ranked List Number and Date
of publication of Ranked List
Category No.
Ernakulum 345/2015/DOE dtd 03.08.2015 534/2013
Malappuram 348/2015/DOM dtd 03.08.2015 534/2013
Note 1.(KS & SSR Part II Rule 10(a)(ii) is applicable.)
2.Candidates who have applied with equivalent qualification instead of qualification
mentioned in the notification, should produce the relevant Government order to prove
their qualifications equivalency at the time of verification.

Physical: Must not be less than 165 cms in height and 81 cms round the chest with a
minimum expansion of 5 cms.

Download Notification

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