KPSC Work Superintendent in Agriculture (Soil Conservation Unit) – 131/2019 – 132/2019 Notification

Last Updated On: 31/07/2019

Kerala PSC invited the applications for the post Work Superintendent in Agriculture (Soil Conservation Unit). The qualified candidates should do One Time Registration in Kerala PSC Thulasi website.

Kerala PSC Notification for the post Work Superintendent in Agriculture (Soil Conservation Unit) is given below. The last date for the application is 29/08/2019 Wednesday up to 12 .

Kerala PSC Work Superintendent in Agriculture (Soil Conservation Unit) Notification

Post NameWork Superintendent
Department NameAgriculture (Soil Conservation Unit)
Category Code131/2019 – 132/2019
Last Date29/08/2019 Wednesday up to 12
Scale of pay19000-43600/-
Number of vacanciesDistrict wise
Method of appointmentDirect Recruitment (From candidates belonging to Muslim & Scheduled caste converted to Christianity Only).
Age limitMuslim: 18-39 only candidates born between 02.01.1980 & 01.01.2001 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post.
Scheduled Caste converted to Christianity:18-41 only candidates born between 02.01.1978 & 01.01.2001 (both
dates included) are eligible to apply for the post.
Qualifications(A) Surveying and Levelling (Lower) KGTE/MGTE and pass in any two of the following
qualifications of KGTE/MGTE (Lower)
(a) Building Drawing and Estimating (Lower)
(b) Building materials and construction (Lower)
(c) Earth work and Road making (Lower)
(d) Hydraulics and Irrigation Engineering (Lower)
(e) Mensuration (Lower)
(B) Certificate issued by the Director General of Resettlement and Employment in Surveyor
Trade under the Craftsman Training Scheme.
(C) ITI Draftsman Certificate in Civil/Mechanical
(D) Diploma in Agricultural and Rural Engineering awarded by the Kerala Agricultural
University or its equivalent recognized by the Kerala Agricultural University with a
period not less than 2 years.
Download Notification

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