ID: #46119 May 24, 2022 Information Technology Download 10th Level/ LDC App A barcode reader is an example of : Ans: Input device MALAYALAM GK QUIZ Show Answer « Prev Question Next Question » RELATED QUESTIONS മൗസിന്റെ ഉപജ്ഞാതാവ്? കമ്പ്യൂട്ടർ പ്രവർത്തിപ്പിക്കുമ്പോൾ ആദ്യം പ്രവർത്തനക്ഷമമാകുന്നത്? ...... is used as a programming language in first generation computers. നൈട്രജൻ കണ്ടു പിടിച്ചത്? ഇൻഫോസിസിന്റെ ആപ്തവാക്യം? ....... is the process of breaking down information sent or transmitted across the Internet into small parts? First Wi-Fi enabled Panchayat in Kerala: HTTPS stands for? Speed of a computer mouse measured in what unit? Alt+Ctrl+Del is a short cut key in keyboard used for : Father of the computer age? Java was formally known as: സ്വതന്ത്ര സോഫ്റ്റ് വെയറിന്റെ പിതാവ്? ഗണിത ക്രീയകൾ വിശകലനങ്ങൾ എന്നീ പ്രക്രിയകൾ നടത്തുന്ന കമ്പ്യൂട്ടർ യൂണിറ്റ്? PROM ന്റെ പൂര്ണ്ണ രൂപം? VDU - പൂര്ണ്ണ രൂപം? _____________ is the address where Internet users can access a website : The term GIGO(Garbage In Garbage Out) is related to which characteristics of computers? First Wi-Fi enabled municipality in India: Which planet takes more time to complete one rotation than revolution ? The headquarters of Google is located at: WPA and WPA 2 are: If we need to change the type of face of a document the menu we have to choose this? The first computer game: ഇന്റർനെറ്റ് സ്ഥാപകന്? The first cashless Collectorate in Kerala? Microsoft Paint was formerly known as: Who launched Hotmail? The study of creating an efficient comfortable and healthy work place on a computer is called? Who designed the first electronics computer (ENIAC)? Share This Post ↪ Malayalam GK Questions Kerala State Film Awards PSC Malayalam GK Quiz 10th Level Exam Questions Kerala School Text Books 10th Level Exam Syllabus Kerala PSC Notifications Kerala PSC Malayalam Notes