KAS Notification 2019 – Kerala Administrative Service – 186-188/2019

Last Updated On: 04/12/2019

Kerala PSC invited the applications for the post KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee STREAM-1, STREAM-2, STREAM-3 in Kerala Administrative Service. The qualified candidates should do One Time Registration in Kerala PSC Thulasi website. Here is the official KAS Notification 2019.

Kerala PSC Notification for the post KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee STREAM-1, STREAM-2, STREAM-3 in Kerala Administrative Service is given below. The last date for the application is 04.12.2019.

Kerala PSC KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee STREAM-1, STREAM-2, STREAM-3 in Kerala Administrative Service Notification

KAS Notification 2019 – Kerala Administrative Service – 186-188/2019

Post NameKAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee STREAM-1, STREAM-2, STREAM-3
Department NameKerala Administrative Service
Category Code186-188/2019
Last Date04.12.2019
Scale of payAs per KAS
Number of vacanciesAnticipated vacancies
Method of appointmentSTREAM -1: 186/2019 – By Direct Recruitment
STREAM-2: 187/2019 – By Direct recruitment from among full members or approved probationers in any Government Departments.
STREAM-3: 188/2019 – By Direct Recruitment from among candidates holding Ist Gazetted post or above in Departments in the schedule-1 and equivalent posts in common categories listed in Scheduled-1.
Age limitSTREAM-1: 21-32. Candidates who have born in between 02.01.1987 and 01.01.1998 (both dates are included)
STREAM – 2: 21-40. Candidates who have born in between 02.01.1979 and 01.01.1998 (both dates are included)
STREAM – 3: Must not have completed 50 years of age on the 1st January of the year in which this notification is published.
QualificationsSTREAM – 1: Must have obtained a Bachelor Degree including professional course in any subject from a University recognized by a University established by Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India.
1. Must have obtained a Bachelor Degree including professional course in any subject from a University recognized by a University established by Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India
2. Must be a Full Member or an approved probationer in any Government Department and must not be a Ist Gazetted Officer or above in the Departments in Schedule-I of KAS Special Rule 2018.
3.Must have been regularized in service in any cadre as per Rule 10(b) in the Kerala State & Subordinate Service Rules 1958 or must have served for a period of not less than two years in a supernumerary post in Government and against whom no major penalty has been imposed or proceedings for major penalty or criminal proceedings is in progress.
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