KPSC High School Teacher (Social Science) Kannada Medium (By Transfer) in Education – 278/2020 Notification

Last Updated On: 17/12/2020

Kerala PSC invited the applications for the post High School Teacher (Social Science) Kannada Medium (By Transfer) in Education. The qualified candidates should do One Time Registration in Kerala PSC Thulasi website.

Kerala PSC Notification for the post High School Teacher (Social Science) Kannada Medium (By Transfer) in Education is given below. The last date for the application is 30.12.2020.

Kerala PSC High School Teacher (Social Science) Kannada Medium (By Transfer) in Education Notification

Post NameHigh School Teacher (Social Science) Kannada Medium (By Transfer)
Department NameEducation
Category Code278/2020
Last Date30.12.2020
Scale of pay29200-62400/-
Number of vacanciesDistrict wise Kasaragod – 1 (One)
Method of appointmentRecruitment by transfer from among the employees
who have completed the prescribed service and who
are working as Clerk/Typist/Attender/Office
Attendant in the General Education Department.
Age limitNot applicable.


A Degree in the concerned subject and B.Ed/BT in the concerned subject
both conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala. (Concerned
subject are specified in Note (iii)below.
Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) for this post
conducted by the Government of Kerala
Exemption: Candidates who have qualified CTET/NET/SET/M.Phil/
Ph.D/M.Ed. in the respective subjects are exempted from acquiring TET
(G.O. (P) No. 145/16/G.Edn. Dated 30.08.16 and G.O. (P) No. 206/16/G.Edn.
Dated 08.12.2016)
(I) Must have passed SSLC/Plus Two/Pre-Degree with Kannada as I or II
II) A pass in Degree or Post Graduation in Kannada Language.
In the absence of the qualification referred in (I) & (ii) above its equivalent
shall also be considered (G.O.(P)No.166/16/G.Edn, dated 30.09.2016)

Download Notification

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