PSC Overseer/Draftsman Grade II Model Questions and Answers
26. The method of surveying in which field work and plotting work are done simultaneously, is called
(A) Plane table surveying
(B) Chain surveying
(C) Leveling
(D) Compass surveying
Answer: A
27. How many % is added for contingencies in abstract of estimated cost?
(A) 2 – 3 %
(B) 7 – 8 %
(C) 5 – 6 %
(D) 3 – 5 %
Answer: D
28. The brick work is not measured in CUBIC METER in case of
(A) Reinforced brick work
(B) Brick work in arch
(C) One of more than brick wall
(D) Half brick work
Answer: D
29. Granites is an example of
(A) Argillaceous rock
(B) Calcareous rock
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Siliceous rock
Answer: D
30. Example of an arch dam in India
(A) Krishna Sagar
(B) Idukki
(C) Bhakra
(D) Mullaperiyar
Answer: B
31. Which is the process of killing bacteria from water?
(A) Disinfection
(B) Sedimentation
(C) Filtration
(D) Coagulation
Answer: A
32. The colour of brick depends upon the amount of
(A) Alumina
(B) Silica
(C) Iron oxide
(D) Alkalies
Answer: C
33. In a good brick clay the percentage of alumina should vary from
(A) 20 to 30 %
(B) 50 to 65 %
(C) 15 to 25 %
(D) 20 to 40 %
Answer: A
34. In the analysis of rates, contractor’s profit is generally taken as
(A) 5 %
(B) 20 %
(C) 15 %
(D) 10 %
Answer: D
35. In a whole circle bearing system corresponds to N 54°15’ W
(A) 305°45’
(B) 414°15’
(C) 125°45’
(D) 144°15’
Answer: A
36. The first watering before sowing the crop
(A) Paleo
(B) Run off
(C) Precipitation
(D) None of the above
Answer: A
37. Represents the irrigating capacity of a unit of water
(A) Delta
(B) Duty
(C) Catchment Area
(D) Commanded Area
Answer: B
38. The relation between depth of water and duty is
(A) Δ = B/D
(B) Δ = B×D
(C) Δ = 8.64 D/B
(D) Δ = 8.64 B/D
Answer: D
39. Size of B0 drawing board
(A) 1000 mm × 700 mm
(B) 1500 mm × 1000 mm
(C) 700 mm × 500 mm
(D) 500 mm × 350 mm
Answer: B
40. The size of field book is
(A) 20 × 12 cm
(B) 12 × 20 cm
(C) 25 × 20 cm
(D) 20 × 25 cm
Answer: A
41. Water absorption by a first class brick in 24 hours immersed in water should not exceed
(A) 10 %
(B) 20 %
(C) 15 %
(D) 5 %
Answer: B
42. Recommended slumps of normal RCC work
(A) 80 to 150 mm
(B) 40 to 50 mm
(C) 20 to 40 mm
(D) 10 to 25 mm
Answer: A
43. Curing period of ordinary port land cement
(A) 5 to 6 days
(B) 7 to 14 days
(C) 15 to 20 days
(D) 22 days
Answer: B
44. The innermost central portion of the tree is called
(A) Heart wood
(B) Annual rings
(C) Inner bark
(D) Pith
Answer: D
45. In light weight concrete, the concrete having bulk density between
(A) 5 to 18 KN/m3
(B) 5 to 25 KN/m3
(C) 5 to 35 KN/m3
(D) 5 to 14 KN/m3
Answer: A
46. Which type of lime in used for white washing?
(A) Quick lime
(B) Fat lime
(C) Hydraulic lime
(D) None of these
Answer: B
47. In the construction of an arches the wedge shaped bricks are used known as
(A) Bullnose
(B) Cow nose
(C) Voussoirs
(D) Conic bridge
Answer: C
48. According to Rankin’s formula minimum depth of foundation
(A) P/W [1 – Sin `phi` /1 + Sin `phi“]^(2)`
(B) P/W [1 + Sin `phi` /1 Sin `phi“]^(2)`
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) None of the above
Answer: A
49. Screws for wood work is specified by it’s
(A) Weight
(B) Shape
(C) Diameter
(D) Length
Answer: D
50. The liquid waste from kitchens, bathrooms, and wash basins etc.
(A) Sludge
(B) Sullage
(C) Refuse
(D) Garbage
Answer: B
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