PSC DTP Operator Model Questions and Answers

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

51. OCR stands for:
(A) Optical Character Recognition
(B) Optical Code Leader
(C) Optical Character Reader
(D) Optical Code Recognition
Answer: A

52. In windows which key should be pressed while selecting a group of adjacent files or folders:
(A) Ctrl
(B) Enter
(C) Shift
(D) Alt
Answer: C

53. ………….. allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and changing accessibility options.
(A) Desktop
(B) Windows Explorer
(C) Task bar
(D) Control panel
Answer: D

54. ………… is an example of softcopy.
(A) printer
(B) Scanner
(C) Monitor
(D) Keyboard
Answer: C

55. Processing speed in computers is measured in:
(A) Milli volts (mV)
(B) Bytes
(C) Giga Byte
(D) Giga Hertz
Answer: D

56. To copy formatting of a selection to a specific location, the shortcut key is:
(A) Ctrl + C
(B) Format painter
(C) Ctrl + F
(D) Paste special
Answer: B

57. Form which menu can create Header and Footer?
(A) Insert menu
(B) View menu
(C) Format menu
(D) Tools menu
Answer: A

58. The default lines to drop for drop cap is:
(A) 3 lines
(B) 2 lines
(C) 4 lines
(D) 8 lines
Answer: A

59. Minimum Zoom percentage supported by MS Word is:
(A) 25%
(B) 15%
(C) 10%
(D) 4%
Answer: C

60. Which feature do you use to create Newspaper?
(A) Tabs
(B) Columns
(C) Bullets and Numbering
(D) Tables
Answer: B

61. Master key of the key board:
(A) ;
(B) L
(C) N
(D) M
Answer: C

62. When the typewriter is at rest, the following catches the teeth of escapement wheel:
(A) Ribbon carrier
(B) Rigid dog
(C) Pinion Wheel
(D) Loose dog
Answer: D

63. The capital letter generally used to represent 500:
(A) D
(B) M
(C) XL
(D) LX
Answer: A

64. Find out the odd one from the following:
(A) f
(B) l
(C) i
(D) k
Answer: D

65. Which part protects the paper from getting contact with the oily parts behind?
(A) Paper side guide
(B) Paper releaser
(C) Paper table
(D) Paper scale
Answer: C

66. Space bar is pressed by:
(A) Left thumb
(B) Third right figure
(C) Right thumb
(D) Left little figure
Answer: C

67. ‘DTP’ computer abbreviation usually means:
(A) Data Top Publishing
(B) Data Text Publishing
(C) Digital Text Publishing
(D) Desk Top Publishing
Answer: D

68. Silencer is provided in a typewriter to control the movement of the:
(A) Loose dog
(B) Main spring
(C) Tabulator bar
(D) Ribbon indicator
Answer: A

69. Name the item required for oiling and cleaning of Typewriters.
(A) Coconut oil
(B) Petrol
(C) Palm oil
(D) Rice bran oil
Answer: B

70. When the space bar is pressed, the carriage moves towards left:
(A) half space
(B) one space
(C) 1 ½ space
(D) two space
Answer: A

71. The sound heard uniform typing is called:
(A) overlapping
(B) rhythm
(C) sluggish movement
(D) vibration
Answer: B

72. Home keys are provided in:
(A) Third row
(B) Fourth row
(C) First row
(D) Second row
Answer: D

73. Complementary clause in an official letter is:
(A) Dear sir,
(B) Sir
(C) Yours faith fully
(D) Thanking you
Answer: C

74. Cleaning of a type writer must be done:
(A) daily
(B) weekly
(C) monthly
(D) yearly
Answer: A

75. We can send the same letter to many different people using:
(A) Navigation
(B) Using identification
(C) Mail Merge
(D) By Windows
Answer: C

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