Short List for Lower Division Clerk/village Assistant (Sr for Da) – Ernakulam – 413/2016 in Land Revenue Department
The Following Is the Probability List Containing the Register Numbers of Candidates Who Are Found Provisionally Eligible to Be Included in the Ranked List, Subject to the Verification of Original Documents for Selection to the Post of Lower Division Clerk/village Assistant (Sr for Da)- Ernakulam (Category No: 413/2016) in Land Revenue Department on Rs.19,000-
43,600/- on the Basis of the Objective Type Test (Omr) Held on 06/05/2017 for Filling the Backlog Vacancies of Land Revenue Department Ear Marked for the Period
From 01.01.2004 to 31/12/2007 and Identified by the Govt. Vide Go(P) No: 7/2011/swd Dtd 24.01.2011.
Short List for Lower Division Clerk/village Assistant (Sr for Da) – Ernakulam – 413/2016 in Land Revenue Department
Category No.413/2016
PL. No. 08/2018/DOE
Low Vision142851 DA-B
144354 DA-B
144355 DA-B
144390 DA-B
144393 DA-B
Hearing Impairment
145982 DA-D
150458 DA-D
150860 DA-D
151054 DA-D
152479 DA-D
Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy
101921 DA-O
125676 DA-O
142461 DA-O
142833 DA-O
153376 DA-O