PSC HSST English SR for SC/ST Model Questions and Answers: Part 2

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

51. In the myth of Pygmalion, who brings about the transformation of Galatea?
(A) Athena
(B) Demeter
(C) Aphrodite
(D) Venus
Answer: C

52. “I leave you to the pleasures of your higher vices”, says the first Tempter in Murder in the Cathedral. What is the “higher vice” mentioned?
(A) Material glories
(B) Ambition
(C) Spiritual pride
(D) Loyalty to the King
Answer: C

53. Name the character in Waiting for Godot who can’t think without his bowler?
(A) Estrogen
(B) Vladimir
(C) Pozzo
(D) Lucky
Answer: D

54. The title “A Game of Chess” which forms the II section of “The Wasteland” is borrowed from the title of which dramatist’s play?
(A) Richard Sheridan
(B) Thomas Middleton
(C) Congreve
(D) Webster
Answer: B

55. Dylan Thomas’ “Poem in October” commemorates his birthday. Which one?
(A) 30th
(B) 35th
(C) 40th
(D) 39th
Answer: A

56. From among the following poets pick out the one who is not a Movement poet?
(A) John Wain
(B) John Holloway
(C) Kingsley Amis
(D) Peter Porter
Answer: D

57. Seamus Heaney’s “Tollund man” foregrounds his ……………. perspective.
(A) Political
(B) Catholic
(C) Archaeological
(D) Mythical
Answer: C

58. Who is the Christ figure in Lord of the Flies?
(A) Simon
(B) Ralph
(C) Jack
(D) Piggy
Answer: A

59. Anna in The Golden Notebook has a rejuvenating experience towards the end with
(A) Saul
(B) Paul
(C) Michael
(D) Tom
Answer: A

60. The setting for Greene’s The Heart of the Matter is a British Colony in
(A) South Africa
(B) West Africa
(C) Jamaica
(D) Canada
Answer: B

61. According to Aristotle …………… “is very artless and least particular to the art of poetic composition.”
(A) Diction
(B) Character
(C) Song
(D) Spectacle
Answer: D

62. “His tragedy seems to be skill, his comedy to be ………………”. Complete the quote by Johnson on Shakespeare.
(A) Instinct
(B) Nature
(C) Competent
(D) Contrived
Answer: A

63. In Rasa theory, the bodily expression by which emotion is communicated is called
(A) Vyabhicari
(B) Anubhava
(C) Vibhava
(D) Alambana
Answer: B

64. The two poets on whom Arnold puts the charge of lacking “high seriousness” are
(A) Shakespeare and Dante
(B) Burns and Chaucer
(C) Shelley and Gray
(D) Pope and Dryden
Answer: B

65. From which collection of essays is Lionel Trilling’s “Freud and Literature” taken?
(A) The Opposing Self
(B) Beyond Culture
(C) The Liberal imagination
(D) Psychoanalysis and literature
Answer: C

66. The male critic whom Elaine Showalter identifies as a prime example of androcentric criticism in her 1979 essay is
(A) Irving Howe
(B) Lionel Trilling
(C) Malcolm Bradbury
(D) Mark Schorer
Answer: A

67. To what chemical process does T.S. Eliot compare the poetic process in “Tradition and Individual Talent” ?
(A) Fission
(B) Fusion
(C) Catalytic reaction
(D) Exothermic reaction
Answer: C

68. In “What is an Author”? Foucault argues that the author is
(A) An individual
(B) Dead
(C) An author function
(D) Owner of a work
Answer: C

69. “The Language of Paradox” was first published in
(A) 1950
(B) 1945
(C) 1948
(D) 1942
Answer: D

70. The literary term for transferring the usual perception of an object into the sphere of a new perception to make a unique semantic modification is called
(A) Formalism
(B) Alienation
(C) Defamiliarisation
(D) Aesthetics
Answer: C

71. ……………….. was formulated to explain how the Great Consonant Shift happened.
(A) Verner’s Law
(B) Grimm’s Law
(C) Wave theory
(D) Pedigree theory
Answer: B

72. The structural device that formed an essential part of versification in Old English is
(A) Alliteration
(B) Assonance
(C) Rhythm
(D) Caesura
Answer: A

73. The Middle English period begins with the ………….. conquest.
(A) Norman
(B) Roman
(C) Anglo Saxon
(D) Jutes
Answer: A

74. What were the striking differences between Chaucerian and present day pronunciations due to?
(A) The Great Consonant Shift
(B) Spread of Education
(C) Invention of Printing
(D) The Great Vowel Shift
Answer: D

75. The shifting of stress from the initial syllable was the result of ……………. influence.
(A) Greek
(B) French
(C) Latin
(D) Indian
Answer: C

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