PSC HSST English Jr Model Questions and Answers – Part 2

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

51. Yeats’ poem “Easter 1916” refers to ……………
(A) The poet’s experiences on Easter, 1916 which he spent in Scotland.
(B) The agreement signed between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland on Easter, 1916.
(C) The uprising of Irish freedom fighters on Easter, 1916.
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
52. Why is the poet sure that the unknown citizen in the poem “The Unknown Citizen” lived a happy life?
(A) Because he lived in a welfare state
(B) Because we would have known if there had been anything wrong
(C) Because he had written in his diary that he was happy with his life
(D) Because he was honoured by the Government
Answer: B

53. What does Phillip Larkin mean by the expression ‘Another church’ in the poem “Church Going”?
(A) A church like any other
(B) One among the many churches he visited
(C) Another kind of church
(D) None of the above
Answer: A

54. What according to the poet are the praying women in “In Santa Maria Del Popolo” incapable of?
(A) Abandoning their faith
(B) The grand gesture of the solitary man
(C) Sympathy for the suffering
(D) Sacrifice for their faith
Answer: B

55. Virginia Woolf considered the fiction of her contemporaries …………….
(A) Superior to that of their predecessors
(B) Inferior to that of their predecessors
(C) Only different from that of their predecessors
(D) None of the above
Answer: C

56. Which of the following notions does Bernard Shaw seem to support in Pygmalion?
(A) Women must be independent
(B) Money is more important than beauty
(C) Knowledge is power
(D) Correct pronunciation is necessary for social success
Answer: D

57. Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot was first published in …………..
(A) English
(B) Spanish
(C) Russian
(D) French
Answer: D

58. The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man can be described as …………….
(A) An epistolary novel
(B) A picaresque novel
(C) A kunstlerroman
(D) Docufiction
Answer: C

59. Graham Greene’s Heart of the Matter is set in ………………
(A) India
(B) Sierra Leone
(C) Nigeria
(D) Scotland
Answer: B

60. Allan Sillitoe, author of the novel The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner has been described as ……………
(A) A proletarian fictionist
(B) A formalist in fiction.
(C) A satirist
(D) None of the above
Answer: A


61. Who brought forth the ‘Rasa-Dhwani Siddhanta’?
(A) Bharata
(B) Manu
(C) Vamana
(D) Abhinavagupta
Answer: D

62. Aristotle defined poetry as:
(A) Pleasure
(B) Medium of imitation
(C) Emotion
(D) Spontaneous overflow
Answer: B

63. Which of the following is a ‘Vice of Style’ opposed to the ‘Sublime’ according to Longinus?
(A) Grandeur of thought
(B) Dignified expression
(C) Vigorous treatment of the passions
(D) Affectation
Answer: D

64. Who is called ‘The Father of English Criticism’ by Dr. Johnson?
(A) John Dryden
(B) Philip Sidney
(C) Wordsworth
(D) Arnold
Answer: A

65. Who stated that “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”?
(A) Coleridge
(B) Arnold
(C) Byron
(D) Wordsworth
Answer: D

66. Arnold’s ‘Touchstone Method’ is modelled on:
(A) Aristotle’s ‘Cathartic Reversal’
(B) Dryden’s ‘Three Unities’
(C) Longinus ‘Test of Poetic Greatness’
(D) Sidney’s ‘Classical Rules’ application to poetry
Answer: C

67. Which of the following movement was initiated with Derrida’s paper ‘The Structure, Sign and Play in the Human Sciences’?
(A) Classical structuralism
(B) Traditional humanism
(C) Empiricism
(D) Post-structuralism
Answer: D

68. What according to ‘Elain Showalter’ is the reason for the impasse that feminist criticism had reached in the 1970s
(A) The ‘Male’ character of ‘Theory’ itself
(B) Orthodox approach to male literary history
(C) The women’s liberation movement
(D) Reviewing past works by feminists
Answer: A

69. Which of the following is NOT one of the main points in Lacan’s ‘Insistence of the letter in the unconscious’?
(A) There is no getting outside language
(B) Human self or soul transcends the limits of language
(C) Language is intimately figurative
(D) Human subject is constituted through entry into language
Answer: B

70. ‘Michel Foucault’ elaborated upon the relationship between knowledge and power propounded by:
(A) Kant
(B) Saussure
(C) Freud
(D) Nietzsche
Answer: D

71. Syntactic Structures was published by
(A) Saussure
(B) Noam Chomsky
(C) Zellig Harris
(D) Robert May
Answer: B
72. A simplified form of speech formed out of one or more existing languages used by people who have no other language in common is called ………….
(A) Pidgins
(B) Creole
(C) Idiolect
(D) Dialect
Answer: A

73. The language variety unique to a single speaker of a language is called ……………
(A) Dialect
(B) Idiolect
(C) Creole
(D) Pidgins
Answer: B

74. The King James Bible was first published in ………………
(A) 1611
(B) 1612
(C) 1610
(D) 1567
Answer: A

75. Grimm’s law states the
(A) consonant shift
(B) vowel shift
(C) Medieval Latin elusion
(D) division of morpheme
Answer: A

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