PSC HSST Chemistry Junior Model Questions and Answers

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

51. Decomposition of KCIO3 in the presence of MnO2 is an example of :
(A) Homogeneous catalysts involving solid reactants
(B) Heterogeneous catalysts involving solid reactants
(C) Homogeneous catalysts involving liquid reactants
(D) Heterogeneous catalysts involving liquid reactants
Answer: B

52. Identify the non-benzenoid aromatic compound in the following :
(A) Phenanthrene
(B) Pyrene
(C) Coronene
(D) Ferrocene
Answer: D

53. During polarographic analysis in which medium Molybdenum gives two waves at -0.37 V and -0.30 V.
(A) HNO3
(B) H2SO4
(C) HCl
(D) HF
Answer: A

54. The order ‘n’, initial concentration `a0`and time of half reaction t1/2 for a reaction are related as :
(A) ln `t(1/2)` = ln n+ ln (constant) `-` ln `a0`
(B) `t(1/2)` ln n = ln (constant) `-` ln `a0`
(C) ln `t(1/2)` = n ln `a0`
(D) ln `t(1/2)` = ln (constant) `-` (n`-`1) ln `a0`
Answer: D

55. Who used silica gel packed column as a support for a stationary phase and were awarded Nobel Prize in 1952?
(A) David day and Mikhail tswett
(B) Kirtchevesky and Tiselius
(C) Martin and Synge
(D) Consden and Gorden
Answer: C

56. Mossbauer effect is also related with resonance fluorescence of :
(A) x-rays
(B) gamma-rays
(C) beta-rays
(D) alpha-rays
Answer: B

57. Which of the following is microwave inactive?
(A) Cl2
(B) NO
(C) HCl
(D) CO
Answer: A

58. The polarographic limiting current which are controlled not only by the rate of diffusion of the reactive species, but also by the rate of some chemical reaction related to the electrode process are known as :
(A) Diffusion current
(B) Residual current
(C) Migration current
(D) Kinetic current
Answer: D

59. Addition of `Br2` to methyl acetylene yielding trans 1,2-trans 1,2-dibromopropene is :
(A) Stereoselective and stereospecific
(B) Stereospecific
(C) Stereoselective
(D) None of these
Answer: C

60. Who proposed the dead stop end point method in amperometry?
(A) Bawden
(B) Foulk
(C) Neuberger
(D) Cooke
Answer: B


61. The best method to determine the size of the Au nanoparticles is :
Answer: B

62. The valency of an element can be determined by coulometry using the equation :
(A) W=AQ/n x 96500
(B) W=AQ x 96500/n
(C) W=n x 96500/AQ
(D) W=96500/AQ x n
Answer: A

63. The chromatographic process in which the separation of the sample components takes place according to molecular size are called :
(A) Adsorption chromatography
(B) Partition chromatography
(C) Exclusion chromatography
(D) Ion exchange chromatography
Answer: C

64. Which method detects the smallest particles?
Answer: D

65. Which is an example for natural inorganic anion exchanger?
(A) Wood
(B) MgO
(C) Dolomite
(D) Polymeric resin
Answer: C

66. STM shows images of atoms based on :
(A) The thickness of the atom
(B) The mass of the atom
(C) Friction caused by rubbing the tip of the atom
(D) The amount of tunneling current
Answer: D

67. In which method the voltage applied across the indicator electrode and reference electrode is kept constant and the current passing through the cell is measured and plotted against the volume of reagent?
(A) Amperometry
(B) Voltametry
(C) Polarography
(D) Conductometry
Answer: A

68. Name the effect which says that the wavelength of an X-ray increases when it is scattered by an atomic electron.
(A) Zeeman
(B) Compton
(C) Jahn Teller
(D) Stark
Answer: B

69. The characteristic absorption bands of the carbonyl group in IR spectra are given below. Which one is incorrect?
(A) CH3CHO ~ 1740 cm-1
(B) CH3COCH3 ~ 1700 cm-1
(C) CH3COOH ~ 1650 – 1700 cm-1
(D) C6H5CHO ~ 1700 cm-1
Answer: C

70. Which of the options given below represents eigen equation?
(A) H
(B) H*
(C) H
(D) H
Answer: Question Cancelled

71. Which of the following molecules will show an absorption in UV/Visible region?
(B) CCCl(4)
(C) CH4
(D) CH2=O
Answer: D

72. Atomic force microscopy shows images of surfaces through :
(A) Current that flows from the surface to the tip
(B) The force of the surface on the tip
(C) Diffraction of electrons around the molecules of the surface
(D) Movement of the laser along the surface
Answer: B

73. Identify the non-aromatic compound in the following :
(A) Cyclodecapentene
(B) Annulene
(C) Cyclooctatetraene
(D) Cyclopropenyl anion
Answer: A

74. Wave function in quantum mechanics represents :
(A) Probability of the system
(B) Shape of the system
(C) Energy of the system
(D) A state of the system
Answer: D

75. The point group symmetry of the staggered form of ethane molecule is :
(A) C(3v)
(B) D(3d)
(C) D(3h)
(D) D3
Answer: B

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