PSC HSST English NCA Model Questions and Answers
51. Who is the Irish revolutionary referred to in the lines
“This man had kept a school
And rode our winged horse”?
(A) Mac Bride
(B) Connolly
(C) Patrick Pearse
(D) Mac Donagh
Answer: C
52. What is Madam Sosostris’s profession in the ‘Waste Land’?
(A) Prostitute
(B) Spy
(C) Dancer
(D) Fortune telling
Answer: D
53. Who is the author of ‘From Ritual to Romance’?
(A) James Frazer
(B) Jessie Weston
(C) William James
(D) Ezra Pound
Answer: B
54. Which of the following is NOT true of Virgina Woolf’s ‘To The Light House’?
(A) The novel has three sections
(B) The mood at the end of the novel is one of pessimism and defeat
(C) Lily Briscoe represents female creativity
(D) James is desirous to visit the light house
Answer: B
55. Which of the following character in ‘Waiting for Godot’ claims to have been a poet?
(A) Vladimir
(B) Estragon
(C) Pozzo
(D) Lucky
Answer: A
56. The Fourth Tempter in Eliot’s play ‘Murder in the cathedral’ appeals to (The Arch Bishop’s) :
(A) The Senses
(B) Temporal power
(C) Racial feelings
(D) Spiritual pride
Answer: D
57. The ‘Hawk’ in Hughes’ ‘Hawk Roosting’ is a symbol of:
(A) A republican
(B) A dictator
(C) A democrat
(D) A socialist
Answer: B
58. The novel ‘A Portrait of the Artist as aYoung Man’ is written using technique of:
(A) Imagism
(B) Expressionism
(C) Stream of consciousness
(D) Impressionism
Answer: C
59. Which of the following is NOT true of ‘Sons and Lovers’?
(A) It has an autobiographical background
(B) It portrays the mismatch between Walter Morel and Gertrude Coppard
(C) It portrays the relationship between a mother, three sons, and a daughter
(D) Paul meets with tragic end at the end of the novel
Answer: D
60. What is the social class of Smith in Alan Sillitoe’s ‘The loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner’?
(A) Upper class
(B) The under-privileged working class
(C) Middle class
(D) None of the above
Answer: B
61. Mimesis means …………..
(A) Imagination
(B) Creation
(C) Imitation
(D) Character
Answer: C
62. Dr Johnson defended
(A) Shakespeare’s settings
(B) Shakespeare’s borrowing from history and classical myth
(C) Shakespeare’s mixing of comic and tragic genres
(D) Shakespeare’s use of pun
Answer: C
63. Stephen Gosson wrote
(A) School of Abuse
(B) Defence of Poesie
(C) School of Poetry
(D) The Art of Poetry
Answer: A
64. Lyrical Ballads was first published in
(A) 1798
(B) 1799
(C) 1800
(D) 1786
Answer: A
65. Which work discusses the concept of decorum?
(A) Republic
(B) Ars Poetica
(C) Apology for Poetry
(D) Poetics
Answer: B
66. Who said “Without poetry our science will appear incomplete.”
(A) T.S.Eliot
(B) Aldous Huxley
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Ezra Pound
Answer: C
67. “Poetry is not a turning lose of …………..”
(A) feelings
(B) emotion
(C) personality
(D) expressions
Answer: B
68. “His poetry would not appear to promise many examples of the language of paradox. He usually prefers the direct attack. He insists on simplicity, he distrusts whatever seems sophistical.”
The above quote is from “The Language of Paradox” by Cleant Brooks. Identify the poet mentioned here
(A) Shelly
(B) Keats
(C) Shakespeare
(D) Wordsworth
Answer: D
69. Anatomy of Criticism was written by
(A) Northrop Frye
(B) Cleanth Brooks
(C) Ezra Pound
(D) Raymond Williams
Answer: A
70. Who among the following is a New Critic
(A) Jacques Derida
(B) Roman Jakobson
(C) Allen Tate
(D) William Burroughs
Answer: C
71. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles were written in the ……………. dialect
(A) Northumbrian
(B) Mercian
(C) Wessex
(D) Kentish
Answer: C
72. The following change occurred in the transition from Old English to Middle English:
(A) The language acquired grammatical gender
(B) The language became less inflected
(C) Word order became less rigid
(D) None of the above
Answer: B
73. The Modern English period is generally considered to have begun from …………..
(A) 1500 A D
(B) 1453 A D
(C) 1588 A D
(D) 1603 A D
Answer: A
74. When a word loses its pejorative sense, it is called …………..
(A) Ascension
(B) Amelioration
(C) Upward shift
(D) Improvement
Answer: B
75. The dialect spoken by working class people in the east part of London is called …………
(A) Gaelic
(B) Pidgin
(C) Cockney
(D) Londonish
Answer: C