PSC HSST Home Science Model Questions and Answers

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

PSC HSST Home Science Model Questions and Answers: Here are the model questions and answers for HSST Home Science PSC examination. These are the previous asked questions for the PSC HSST Home Science Examination.

PSC HSST Home Science Model Questions and Answers

Question Paper Code: 48/2016/OL
Category Code: 158/2013
Exam: HSST Home Science
Date of Test: 04-05-2016
Alphacode A

1. Which of the following incidents marked the beginning of Civil Disobedience Movement in India?
(A) Chauri-Chaura Incident
(B) Gandhi-Irwin Pact
(C) Dandi-March
(D) Boycott of Simon Commission
Answer: C

2. Name the place where the Great Revolt of 1857 broke out.
(A) Delhi
(B) Lucknow
(C) Kanpur
(D) Meerut
Answer: D

3. Who among the following gave leadership to Bardoli Satyagraha?
(A) Gopalakrishna Gokhale
(B) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C) Vallabhai Patel
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer: C

4. Who is the author of ‘Keralasimham’, the historical novel in Malayalam?
(A) Ambadi Narayana Poduval
(B) C.V. Raman Pillai
(C) E.V. Krishna Pillai
(D) Sardar K.M. Panikkar
Answer: D

5. Where did the historic session of the Indian National Congress take place in 1929?
(A) Bombay
(B) Lahore
(C) Calcutta
(D) Karachi
Answer: B

6. Who amongst the following was nominated by the Travancore Government as a member of the Sri Mulam Praja Sabha in recognition of his services to the Harijan community?
(A) Vaikunda Swami
(B) Chattampi Swamikal
(C) Sri Narayana Guru
(D) Ayyankali
Answer: D

7. Who was the owner of the newspaper “Swadesabhimani”?
(A) K. Ramakrishna Pillai
(B) Vakkam Abdul Khadar Maulavi
(C) Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
(D) G. Parameswaran Pillai
Answer: B

8. In which year Sri Chittira Tirunal Balarama Varma, the Maharaja of Travancore issued his famous Temple Entry Proclamation?
(A) November 12, 1936
(B) September 21, 1932
(C) October 2, 1936
(D) November 1, 1931
Answer: A

9. Which of the following kept alive the Indian National Movement during the period of the First World War?
(A) Home Rule Movement
(B) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C) Anti-Partition Agitation
(D) Quit India Movement
Answer: A

10. Name the British Indian Viceroy who won the title “The Father of Local Self-Government” in India
(A) Lord Cornwallis
(B) Lord Ripon
(C) Lord Lytton
(D) Lord Mayo
Answer: B

11. Reasonable restrictions can be imposed on the ground of security of state on
(A) Freedom of movement
(B) Freedom of association
(C) Freedom of speech and expression
(D) Freedom of peaceful assembly
Answer: C

12. The rule of ‘ex-post facto law’ is embodied in which Article?
(A) Art. 20 (1)
(B) Art. 20 (2)
(C) Art. 20 (3)
(D) Art 22 (1)
Answer: A

13. Match the following :
List – I
a. Doctrine of Pleasure
b. Financial bill
c. Advisory jurisdiction of President
d. Pardoning power of Governor
e. Inter-state water dispute
List – II
i. Art. 143
ii. Art. 262
iii. Art. 530
iv. Art. 310
v. Art. 151
(A) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv, e-v
(B) a-v, b-iii, c-ii, d-i, e-iv
(C) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-v, e-ii
(D) a-iii, b-v, c-iv, d-ii, e-i
Answer: C

14. Who is the head of the household for the purpose of ration cards under National Food Security Act, 2013?
(A) Woman with 21 yrs or above
(B) Woman with 18 yrs or above
(C) Man with 18 yrs or above
(D) Man with 21 yrs or above
Answer: B

15. The UNEP
(A) deals with education of children
(B) is a forum of economic development
(C) is an organisation of UNICEF
(D) in the environmental arm of UN
Answer: D

16. The Right to Information was passed in the year
(A) 2003
(B) 2004
(C) 2005
(D) 2006
Answer: C

17. The committee which functions at district level under the protection of women against Sexual Harrassment at work place Act, 2010 is
(A) Local Complaints Committee
(B) Disciplinary Committee
(C) Anti Sexual Harrassment Committee
(D) Internal Complaints Committee
Answer: A

18. Which committee recommended the insertion of fundamental duties in the Indian Constitution?
(A) Cohen Committee
(B) Ashok Mehta Committee
(C) Sarkaria Committee
(D) Santhanam Committee
Answer: D

19. The Supreme Court held that an amendment of the constitution under Art 368 was ‘law’ within the meaning of ‘law’ under Art. 13 in
(A) Chembakam Dorairajan Case
(B) Sajjan Singh Case
(C) Golaknath Case
(D) Sankari Prasad Case
Answer: C

20. The Social Welfare Board in 1953 was set up with the object of protecting
(A) Child
(B) Child and women
(C) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
(D) All the above
Answer: B

21. Understanding the meaning of the word is known as
(A) Phonology
(B) Morphology
(C) Semantics
(D) Syntax
Answer: C

22. Which one of the following is not coming under the category of descriptive research?
(A) Survey research
(B) Assessment research
(C) Historical research
(D) Action research
Answer: D

23. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is based on the works of
(A) Bruner
(B) Piaget
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Ausubel
Answer: B

24. Naturalistic observation is widely accepted as an effective tool in the conduct of
(A) Quantitative research
(B) Ex-post-facto research
(C) Exploratory research
(D) Mixed research
Answer: C

25. The mental age of a boy is 12 years and chronological age is 10 years. What is the IQ of this boy?
(A) 100
(B) 120
(C) 85
(D) 140
Answer: B

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