PSC LDC General English Model Questions & Answers [Part 3]

Last Updated On: 29/04/2018

Here is the part 3 of the PSC LD Clerk General English Model Questions and answers. You may also download the PDF document of the questions and answers.

PSC LDC General English Model Questions

Aim: Fill up the blanks from the choices given

1. I am not a doctor ,————— ?

(A) aren’t I

(B) am n’ t I

(C) are I

(D) am I

Ans:  (D) am I


2. Few people were present ,————— ?

(A) weren’t they

(B) were they

(C) wasn’t they

(D) was they

Ans:  (B) were they


3. This is a wonderful opportunity ,————— ?

(A) isn’t this

(B) isn’t it

(C) is this

(D) is it

Ans:  (B) isn’t it


4. He arrived ———— than I.

(A) latter

(B) later

(C) latest

(D) last

Ans:  (B) later


5. He spent ———— money he had.

(A) a few

(B) the few

(C) a little

(D) the little

Ans:  (D) the little


6. Delhi is ——— from here than Bombay.

(A) further

(B) farther

(C) furthest

(D) farthest

Ans:  (B) farther


7. The Chief Minister as well as two of his ministers ——— present.

(A) were

(B) was

(C) have been

(D) are

Ans:  (B) was


8. The robber together with his gang ———— captured .

(A) was

(B) were

(C) have been

(D) are

Ans:  (A) was


9. Five thousand rupees ———— collected from the public.

(A) were

(B) was

(C) have

(D) have been

Ans:  (B) was


10. The cattle ——— in the field .

(A) is

(B) are

(C) was

(D) none of these

Ans:  (B) are


11. The police———— vigilant .

(A) is

(B) was

(C) are

(D) has been

Ans:  (C) are


12. Six feet ——— a good height for an Indian .

(A) are

(B) is

(C) have been

(D) none of these

Ans:  (B) is


13. Pen and ink ——— what I want now .

(A) is

(B) are

(C) were

(D) none of these

Ans:  (A) is


14. One of the ——— ———— injured during the match.

(A) players were

(B) player were

(C) players was

(D) none of these

Ans:  (C) players was


15. A lot of water ——— overflowed the tank.

(A) have

(B) has

(C) have been

(D) were

Ans: (B) has


16. A good many passengers———— stranded on their way.

(A) was

(B) were

(C) is

(D) has been

Ans:  (B) were


17. Shoes ——— very expensive now-a-days.

(A) are

(B) is

(C) was

(D) has been

Ans:  (A) are


18. That pair of scissors ———— still useful.

(A) are

(B) is

(C) have been

(D) none of these

Ans:  (B) is


19. Some of the water ——— split on the floor.

(A) was

(B) were

(C) have been

(D) none of these

Ans:  (A) was


20. I corrected ————.

(A) myself

(B) himself

(C) herself

(D) Yourself

Ans:  (A) myself

PSC Model Questions

Aim: Spot the error

21. (A) The breakfast / (B) will be / (C) ready soon. /(D) no error

Ans:  (A) The breakfast 


22. (A) Alps / (B) separate / (C) France and Italy. / (D) no error

Ans:  (A) Alps


23. (A) Godavary / (B) is / (C) the largest river in Andhra Pradesh. / (D) no error

Ans:  (A) Godavary


24. (A) Many great ships / (B) cross / (C) Atlantic. / (D) no error

Ans:  (C) Atlantic


25. (A) I / (B) wish to visit / (C) Black Forest. / (D) no error

Ans:  (C) Black Forest


26. (A) I / (B) usually travel / (C) in Gurudev Express. / (D) no error

Ans:  (C) in Gurudev Express


27. (A) Every evening / (B) he reads / (C) Bible. / (D) no error

Ans:  (C) Bible


28. (A) My son / (B) always keeps / (C) Encyclopedia for reference. / (D) no error

Ans:  (C) Encyclopedia for reference


29. (A) The USA and USSR / (B) are / (C) the greatest world powers. / (D) no error

Ans:  (A) The USA and USSR


30. (A) Raju / (B) is / (C) tallest boy in the class. / (D) no error

Ans:  (C) tallest boy in the class


Aim: Provide suitable prepositions

31. She succumbed ——— the fatal disease .

(A) to

(B) for

(C) in

(D) on

Ans:  (A) to


32. Don’t tamper ———the lock .

(A) with

(B) in

(C) on

(D) for

Ans:  (A) with


33. He is thirsting ——— revenge .

(A) for

(B) on

(C) with

(D) of

Ans:  (A) for


34. You should not trifle ———the feeling of others .

(A) for

(B) with

(C) in

(D) on

Ans:  (B) with


35. If you try, you can triumph ——— your difficulties .

(A) for

(B) at

(C) over

(D) of

Ans:  (C) over


36. I am greatly pleased ——— him .

(A) at

(B) for

(C) in

(D) with

Ans:  (D) with


37. I am greatly vexed ———— his behaviour .

(A) at

(B) for

(C) in

(D) with

Ans:  (A) at


38. They vied ——— one another for the prize .

(A) with

(B) in

(C) for

(D) at

Ans:  (A) with


39. You must write the answers ——— ink .

(A) with

(B) in

(C) for

(D) of

Ans:  (B) in


40. He wrote answers ———— a pencil .

(A) with

(B) for

(C) of

(D) by

Ans:  (A) with

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