Indian National Movement PSC Model Questions

Last Updated On: 28/10/2020
31) The author of Hind Swaraj?

Ans: Mahatma Gandhi

32) The autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi?

Ans: My Experiments with Truth

33) Who organized a raid on Chittagong government armoury in 1930 April?

Ans: Surya Sen

34) The year in which Rehmat Ali coined the word ‘Pakistan’?

Ans: 1933

35) Who started the journal ‘Bengalee’?

Ans: Surendra Nath Bannerjee

36) The publication “Comrade’ was launched by?

Ans: Muhammad Ali

37) During which war Gandhi organised Indian Ambulance Corps to help the British?

Ans: Boer War

38) In which year East India Company was brought under British parliamentary control?

Ans: 1773

39) To protest against which Act Gandhiji conducted his first Satyagraha in South Africa?

Ans: Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance Bill

40) Who started the journal ‘Bombay Chronicle’?

Ans: Feroz Shah Mehta

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