Indian National Movement PSC Model Questions

Last Updated On: 28/10/2020
11) Who is regarded as the most popular Viceroy that England ever sent to India?

Ans: Lord Ripon

12) Who was arrested along with Lajpat Rai and deported to Mandalay in 1907?

Ans: Ajith Singh

13) ‘Prabudha Bharat’ was a paper published in English by?

Ans: Swami Vivekanand

14) The author of ‘Broken Wings’?

Ans: Sarojini Naidu

15) Who wrote ‘A Planned Economy for India’?

Ans: M. Visweswaraiah

16) Who started the National Herald?

Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru

17) ‘My one-man army’ who made this remark about Gandhiji?

Ans: Lord Mountbatten

18) What was the aim of Gandhiji’s last fast in 1948?

Ans: Ending violence

19) Who was the Viceroy when a joint commission of the British and the Russians was appointed to demarcate the Northern boundary of Afghanistan?

Ans: Lord Dufferin

20) The Viceroy of British India during the formation of Indian National Congress?

Ans: Dufferin

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