Indian National Movement PSC Model Questions
Last Updated On: 28/10/2020
41) Who launched the journal ‘Mookanayak’?
Ans: B.R. Ambedkar
42) Who was the chairman of the Royal Commission which was appointed in 1895 to examine the military and civil expenditures incurred and the apportionment of those charges between the Government of Great Britain and Government of India?
Ans: Lord Welby
43) Against what laws did Gandhiji along with other non – whites raise his voice in South Africa?
Ans: Apartheid laws
44) Who served as a member of Central Legislative Assembly for 26 years and was called ‘the father of the Assembly’?
Ans: Narayan Malhar Joshi
45) “A feudal outburst headed by feudal chiefs and their followers aided by wide-spread anti-foreign sentiments” who made this observation against the Revolt of 1857?
Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru
46) Who was the Viceroy when Hunter Commission was appointed to enquire into Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre?
Ans: Chelmsford
47) The Viceroy at the time of Chittagong Armoury Raid?
Ans: Irwin
48) Which tribal leader was regarded as an incarnation of God and Father of the World?
Ans: Birsa Munda
49) The Governor-General who was impeached by the British Parliament?
Ans: Warren Hastings
50) All India Village Industries Association formed at Wardha in?
Ans: 1934