PSC HSST Geography Model Questions and Answers

Last Updated On: 30/04/2018

51. The technique of reducing data volume on a row by row basis
(A) Chain coding
(B) Block coding
(C) Quatree
(D) Run length encoding
Answer: C

52. The Least Cost Location Theory was putforwarded by
(A) Losch
(B) Walter
(C) Weber
(D) Smith
Answer: C

53. Who among the Indian geographer prepared the land use categories for the city of Shillong?
(A) R.L. Singh
(B) Mandal
(C) J.P. Singh
(D) L.R. Singh
Answer: C

54. Penganga is a tributory of
(A) Mahanadi
(B) Ganga
(C) Krishna
(D) Godavari
Answer: D

55. Cold desert soils are also known as
(A) Serozems
(B) Chernozem
(C) Podsols
(D) Rendzina
Answer: A

56. Who wrote the first major paper devoted exclusively to a systems theme and to the framework of General Systems Theory in Geography?
(A) Hagget
(B) Wooldridge
(C) Hartshorne
(D) Chorley
Answer: D

57. Which one is not an element of map generalization?
(A) Exaggeration
(B) Clustering
(C) Symbolization
(D) Simplification
Answer: B

58. An open source platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web
(A) Map Server
(B) Web Server
(C) Application Server
(D) Data Server
Answer: A

59. The rainfall by the norwesters is known as
(A) Spring storm showers
(B) Mango showers
(C) Tea showers
(D) Cherry blossoms
Answer: A

60. Choose the correct statement:
(i) Ptolemy’s calculation of the Earth’s circumference was erroneous.
(ii) G-Scale was proposed by Hagget, Chorley and Stoddort.
(iii) Prof. Penck is associated with the genesis of Zenithal projection.
(iv) Pantographs are widely used for map projection.
(A) Statements i, ii and iv are correct
(B) Statements i and ii are correct
(C) Statements i, iii and iv are correct
(D) All statements are correct
Answer: A


61. Glacial control theory on the origin of coral reefs was putforwarded by
(A) Darwin
(B) Murray
(C) Davis
(D) Daly
Answer: D

62. Which of the following are the true essentials of the spatial tradition?
(A) Location
(B) Geometry and Movement
(C) Direction
(D) Distance
Answer: B

63. Choose the incorrect statement.
(A) Squatter settlements are also called autonomous settlements
(B) The term conurbation was putforwarded by Geddes
(C) The word Umland was first used by Von Thunen
(D) Rural urban fringe is also known as an area of great differentiation
Answer: C

64. The Sudan type climate is found in
(A) Mediterranean region
(B) Rainy tropics
(C) Wet and dry tropics
(D) Dry continentals
Answer: C

65. Most densely populated country in the world
(A) Singapore
(B) Japan
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Monaco
Answer: D

66. Savanna grasslands are related to
(A) Dry continentals
(B) Mediterranean lands
(C) Rainy tropics
(D) Wet and dry tropics
Answer: D

67. A Dutch Cartographer who developed the first Web Map Classification
(A) Jan-Menno Kraak
(B) Stan Aronoff
(C) Yue-Hong Chou
(D) Tomlinson
Answer: A

68. Most popular source of irrigation in the high ground water potential areas
(A) Wells and tube wells
(B) Canals
(C) Tanks
(D) Drip irrigation
Answer: A

69. Scattering occurs when particles are very small compared to the wavelength of the radiation
(A) Mie scattering
(B) Rayleigh scattering
(C) Non selective scattering
(D) None of these
Answer: B

70. The atmospheric layer which is also known as Kennelly-Heaviside layer is
(A) E-Layer
(B) D-Layer
(C) F-Layer
(D) G-Layer
Answer: A

71. Choose the incorrect statement
(A) The biological association between two organisms of different species, both of which are benefited and one often unable to exist without it is called Mutualism
(B) The relationship between organisms in which one species is harmed by the presence of the other but the other species remains unaffected is Amensalism
(C) When one animal kills or hunts the other animal for food, the act of killing is called Parasitism
(D) The relationship where one organism derives the benefit and the other is unaffected is Parasitism
Answer: D

72. The tradition which is emerged in the Greece by the work of Aristotle
(A) Earth Science Tradition
(B) Spatial Tradition
(C) Area-studies Tradition
(D) None of these
Answer: A

73. The concept of ‘Standard Urban Area’ was introduced in India during
(A) 1971 Census
(B) 1961 Census
(C) 1981 Census
(D) 1991 Census
Answer: A

74. The largest beef producer in the world
(A) Argentina
(C) Brazil
(D) Australia
Answer: B

75. A typical mediterranean climate is characterised by
(A) Winter rainfall and summer aridity
(B) Winter aridity and summer rainfall
(C) Rainfall in both winter and summer
(D) Aridity in both winter and summer
Answer: A

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