Kerala PSC Degree Level General Knowledge Questions and Answers : Part 50
#491) Constitutional safeguards aganist arbitrary dismissal of a member of civil service are embodied in Article —— of the Constitution of India:
Ans: 311
#492) The normal tenure of Panchayats is:
Ans: Five years
#493) The number of Articles related to Fundamental Rights when the original constitution was brought into force:
Ans: 24
#494) The number of Articles under the Directive Principles when the Constitution was brought into force:
Ans: 16
#495) The number of Articles when the original constitution was brought into force:
Ans: 395
#496) The number of members from Lok Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:
Ans: 7
#497) The number of members in the estimate committee of Parliament:
Ans: 30
#498) Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection of life and personal liberty’?
Ans: 21
#499) Which Article of the Constitution is related to the protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech?
Ans: 19
#500) Which Article states that “State shall try to promote cottage industries”?
Ans: 43