Indian National Movement PSC Model Questions
Last Updated On: 28/10/2020
Here is the PSC model questions on Indian National Movement.
Indian National Movement PSC Model Questions
1) Who conferred the title ‘Bharati’ to Subramanya Bharati?
Ans: Raja of Ettayapuram
2) Whom Gandhiji met on his way back to India after the Round Table Conference?
Ans: Mussolini
3) In which railway station of South Africa, Gandhiji was thrown out of a train?
Ans: Pietermaritzburg
4) Anasakthiyogam is the interpretation written by Gandhiji on
Ans: Bhagavat Gita
5) The Carnatic Nawab who moved his court from Gingee to Arcot?
Ans: Saadatullah Khan I
6) Who defeated the Gorkhas and ousted them from the Kangra Valley’ in 1809?
Ans: The Sikhs
7) The Viceroy during whose tenure the new Central Legislative Assembly Buiding was inaugurated?
Ans: Irwin
8) Who defended Bhagat Singh in the Lahore conspiracy case?
Ans: Asaf Ali
9) Who wrote ‘Indian Unrest’?
Ans: Valentine Chirol
10) The Viceroy who published “The Imperial Gazetteer of India”?
Ans: Lord Ripon